What is Net Neutrality? Is this a Criminal Syndicate?
Does it allow the government to control ISP to the point of enforcing and shutting down Web sites they deem a threat to themseleves that are reporting on the TRUTH? Isn’t it really just the opposite of Net Neutrality? The keywords below are lawful content, who will decide what is lawful content? In essence when you use the words “lawful content” it NOW means controlled content! Is it a A Win For Consumers And Democracy or is it a Win for democrats? So they have control of Radio, TV, News, and now they want control of the Internet with this New FCC Law. One just needs to read between the lines to see what their goals are and it’s not pretty by any means!
Net neutrality
Principle of treating all internet communications equally
Principle that Internet service providers (ISPs) must treat all Internet communications equally
Believe it prevents ISPs from filtering Internet content without a court order, fosters freedom of speech, promotes competition and innovation
Argue it reduces investment, deters competition, increases taxes, prevents the internet from being accessible to poor people
Net neutrality is the principle that internet service providers (ISPs) must treat all internet communications equally, without discriminating or charging differently based on user, content, website, platform, application, type of equipment, or method of communication
It prohibits ISPs from blocking, throttling, or engaging in paid prioritization of lawful content
The key aspects of net neutrality are:
• ISPs cannot block or throttle lawful content
• ISPs cannot create internet “fast lanes” by charging companies for priority access to users
• ISPs must treat all data on the internet the same, not discriminating or charging differently by user, content, website, platform, etc.
Net neutrality is considered important for preserving an open internet that fosters innovation, free expression, and consumer choice
Without net neutrality rules, there are concerns that ISPs could unfairly favor their own services or those of partners, disadvantaging startups and smaller competitors
The FCC has tried to enforce net neutrality principles since the early 2000s, but has faced legal challenges from ISPs
In 2015, the FCC reclassified broadband as a Title II telecommunications service to establish clear legal authority for net neutrality rules
However, the rules were repealed in 2017 by the Republican-controlled FCC
The Biden FCC is now working to restore net neutrality protections
FCC Votes To Restore Net Neutrality: A Win For Consumers And Democracy
source Fobes
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