1☆ Unphogettable Vietnamese Restaurant – Mesa AZ

1☆ Unphogettable Vietnamese Restaurant – Mesa AZ

Chicken Pho Ga soup, Pork Chops and Special Fried Rice. The Pork Chops was burnt and dried out and the rice was blackened and burnt. Can anyone cook here? Who was cooking? Could they (the cook and the server) not see the food was burnt? We had to complain and return the food. Bad attitude they can’t take any complaints about their burnt food. Then when we got the bill there was a service fee on the bill! 15% added WTF. So we should be forced to TIP on burnt food. I always try to ask who’s cooking, wouldn’t you want to know who to avoid or who to ask for in a good restaurant. BTW adding a 15% TIP leaves me with a very bad flavor in my mouth, the server took my order, that’s his/her JOB, then the server brought the food to the table, that’s his JOB right, then the server delivers the bill, that’s his JOB. So where’s this entitlement coming from? The customer should decide if a Tip is earned? In this case it should be NO TIPPY! Did the server do something special, or go above and beyond what their duties as a server? The server is not my employee, and I have no expectations of him performing a song or dance so why would they have expectations of a forced 15% TIP? My advise is don’t bother eating here, find somewhere better to eat at without the TIPPY aggravation!

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Date of Dinning at the Restaurant
Name of Restaurant
Unphởgettable Vietnamese restaurant
Where is the Restaurant location
66 S Dobson Rd, Mesa, AZ 85202
Décor and Style of Interior
3☆ Neutral
Atmosphere – mood of a place
1☆ Needs Improvement
Clean Environment
4☆ It was satisfactory
Rate the Food Quality
3☆ OK, but..
Price Wise
1☆ Very pricy
Value of Meals
1☆ Terrible
Staff and Service: Is the Staff Helpful and Knowledgeable?
1☆ Terrible
Who’s Cooking? Did you ask? Was the cook from the country of cuisine?
1☆ Not Authentic
Cooks perfect food for extra points
1☆ Terrible
Was the food cooked correctly to your satisfaction? Meats/Steaks cooked as ordered?
1☆ No
Did you have to return food?
1☆ YES
Food Delivery Timelyness
2☆ Long Wait
Was the food served in the correct order?
5☆ Yes
Was the food served hot or cold?
5☆ Was Hot when required and Was Cold when required
Was the Bill added up correctly?
1☆ I was overcharged
Regarding Tipping: What was uniquely special? Did the server do more than their Job?
1☆ No Server was somewhat rude
Would you eat here again?
1☆ NO

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