1☆ Green Corner Restaurant – Greek Mediterranean

1☆ Green Corner Restaurant – Greek Mediterranean

1010 W Southern Ave #7, Mesa, AZ 85210

The Green Corner Restaurant has so much potential, yet it falls short so many times. I’ve spoken to the manager there and he’s genuinely trying to get this done. Perhaps it’s because no one working there in the kitchen and servers are NOT GREEK. Everyone speaks Spanish, that said, it’s understandable that no one went to cooking school here or ever worked in a restaurant. When asking a waitress you want dark meat for the chicken they say YES of course, but on your plate we’re getting white meat which is over cooked and dried out. I asked if they knew which parts of a chicken is dark meat and white meat. The waitress told me she didn’t know. Now Lamb chops is a great dish if served right. It’s the most expensive dish on the menu at $18.95 for 4 small lamb chops and all I asked for was to have the meat pink inside anywhere from medium to medium rare. I had to return the land chops as it was well done and over cooked, upon receiving the replacement lamb chops which they said is medium rare land chops, I actually received a VERY RARE uncooked cut of Lamb. It’s useless to complain when the cooks clearly don’t know how to grill any meat nor do they know what a chicken is made of both white and dark meat. As for dessert they actually give you a free slice of Baklava Pastry, but when you try it, it’s as if it’s been sitting there for a week, dried out and it’s just something you want to through away. We all want to eat at a Great Greek Mediterranean restaurant but the hunt is still on.

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Décor and Style of Interior
2☆ Not so great
Atmosphere – mood of a place
1☆ Terrible
Clean Environment
3☆ Neutral
Food Quality
1☆ Terrible
Was the Cost Pricing High or Low
1☆ Terrible
Value of Meals
1☆ Terrible
Service people – Was the staff friendly & Knowledgeable?
1☆ Terrible
Who’s Cooking? Did you ask? Cooked Authenticly by origin of country
1☆ Terrible
Cooks perfect food for extra points
1☆ Terrible
Was your order cooked correctly? Meats/Steaks cooked as ordered?
1☆ Terrible
Did you have to return food?
1☆ Terrible Returned Food
Food Delivery Timelyness
1☆ Terrible
Was the Bill added up correctly or over charged?
1☆ Terrible
Tipping what was unique? Did the server do more than their Job?
1☆ Terrible
Would you eat here again?
3☆ Neutral

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