Here’s a quick Test to know if you have been Brain Washed or Mind Controlled

Here’s a quick Test to know if you have been Brain Washed or Mind Controlled

Here’s a quick Test to know if you have been Brain Washed or Mind Controlled.

You walk into a fast-food restaurant; you get in line to wait for a single cashier to take your order, the cashier rings u up and the credit card swiper asks you for a tip and you feel well it’s only a few dollars based on your food and tax added so you agree. However, in reality tips are based on exceptional service and then after such service a customer can make a tip for appreciation of this exceptional work. Paying a tip in advance without knowing any outcome, is premature and actually means the vendor or cashier feels entitled to being paid a tip for just ringing up your food order.

Next you wait for your food to be delivered to your table and after your meal you begin picking up your plates, dirty dishes and leftovers and taking them to their trash can where the lid has a message for customers, saying Thank You.

Here’s the kicker you tipped someone to do their job, yet now you are doing their job, and you didn’t get paid to do this instead you paid them a TIP so you can cleanup for them. WOW!

So, do you think they’ve brain washed you yet? Tipping is not an entitlement to a server, when a customer is asked to clean tables, which is normally done by a bus boy/girl or a waiter. You are now doing their work and also paying them to watch you cleanup for them. If you want to throw you money around and do dishes too, then really, they’ve brain washed you.

That said, what else are you brain washed about? It seems so easy to brain wash people now-a-days, don’t you agree? Can you think of anything else people are brain washed about?


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