Is a SCAM or just out right stealing from their own customers? Denying Access To Funds and Freezing Accounts, Leaving Customers in Dire Financial Straits

Is a SCAM or just out right stealing from their own customers? Denying Access To Funds and Freezing Accounts, Leaving Customers in Dire Financial Straits

August 20, 2023
From this Press Release can be freely distributed

Is a SCAM or just out right stealing from their own customers? Denying Access To Funds and Freezing Accounts, Leaving Customers in Dire Financial Straits

Are thousands of U.S. customers being told that their accounts have suspicious activity and then their accounts are closed down and their Visa cards are frozen? Yes says at least one customer telling us the horror story of the suspicious activity pitched by dozens of support people stating for 10 days that they found suspicious activity on the Visa card purchases when the user said, he never reported any suspicious activity or returns on his Visa card.

The support team which changes hourly at by phone and by app support then on day 11 they apologized that there was no suspicious activity on the account. But since they have a new Terms and Conditions from the transfer from Metropolitan Commercial Bank to Community Federal Savings Bank web site: that they are migrating accounts to this new bank and now need video scanning, voice scanning and ID documents to re-open our accounts. Not doing so will lose any funds in the account.

So video scanning and voice scanning is the new security requirement to hold a Visa card. Interesting that they have all these unreasonable security requirements in a day and age where cloning a person from a video and cloning their voice are technology available today. That sounds like a real security threat to the users and very dangerous says an anonymous security expert for protecting ones identity. This was all done under the guise of suspicious activity, to force U.S. customers to go through their security process.

After a simple investigation of who is Community Federal Savings Bank web site developed by the worst developers ever seen, their web site shows BLANK pages with the ABOUT page completely BLANK…..we call this Ghosting. The entire Web site is 8 pages in size and 7 pages are WHITE and the Contact page is empty as well. Who is and Community Federal Savings Bank? Would you put money in a bank that has 90% of their pages BLANK? No says a U.S. user of I’ve never seen anything so blatantly criminal in 50 years of banking that a bank would have no CEO, CFO, COO, No contact page. Never seen anything like it. But they sure know how to close your account and take all your funds for not complying to their video scanning and voice scanning. Why would the bank need voice scanning unless it’s for something more serpentine and underhanded. So what are they scheming?

When you see the name Federal in a bank name it is assumed to be a branch of the US Government, so is it? Or is this false advertising to gain some kind of credibility when perhaps it’s not a government bank but just pretending to be one. Why would the government want to setup a bank to manage and monitor crypto users? The Terms and Conditions could shine some light on the subject, just look up taxes. There is something very unkosher in this mix of crypto and fiat. It’s more than evident that this combination of T&C along with video surveillance, video capturing, voice capturing is something straight out of the Matrix. Are users really ready for this? No says one user who’s been locked out for 15 days and lost funds in his account at

Another U.S. user tells us, If you value your money stay away from these two companies in the USA. The SEC should start an investigation into Community Federal Savings Bank. After checking on a few community federal savings bank reviews the employees mostly say how BAD this bank is. If the employees are complaining then sure as hell, now the customers are complaining too.

When any Bank CLAIMING suspicious activity in order Deny Access To Funds and Freezing Accounts, Leaving Customers in Dire Financial Straits, it’s a VERY BAD SIGN. Is this another failure in banking? Time will tell as there seems to be a Tsunami approaching that will wipe out all your funds.

U.S. Customers need to RUN from this Community Federal Savings Bank and from

From this Press Release can be freely distributed


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