Did you know if you have a Gmail account you’ve been HACKED

Did you know if you have a Gmail account you’ve been HACKED

Your Privacy and Confidential Business Emails have all been compromised.

As editor and publisher I do opinion Posts and sometimes people just don’t get it, so I need to say something. Google is in full force to own your information one way or another, whether it’s using a Bot to steal data from your Web site or it’s direct from your GMAIL account.

If you have a business online or off-line and you can’t setup your own email account on your phone which over 50% of the US population can’t do. Then the option is to tell Google via your Gmail account to set it up for you as a relay system so your business email like jimmy.jones@MyBusiness.com is redirected or relayed to your Gmail account.

Now all of a sudden Google is managing your emails and is also your GateKeeper and will stop all emails from a New customer from ever reaching you. Do you think you can stay in business very long with Google stopping you from having New customers?

Even if an old business client gets through to you did you know any business or private statements in that email, Google has full privileges to read, store and copy and send to anyone that they are dealing with. For example ZoomInfo does the same thing they copy all your contacts from your email account and then sell that data to other people and even offer a nice little app which they call a Google Chrome extension so you can find contact info on web sites and Linkedin when you visit any site online. While you gather data they get the data and sell it.

If you think this is OK then next time you have a brilliant business idea or project be sure to announce it on your broadcast platform called Google Gmail. All data is kept forever and can be used in anyway that Google wants to at a profit for them without telling you about it or even paying you.

Any Business should consider helping all employees with setting up their confidential company email with their own server and not with a 3rd party criminal like Google or ZoomInfo who steals data like it’s nothing, because they consider you to be stupid to do so and look at you as a nothing burger.

If you want to lose your business literally over night then keep using Google’s Gmail account and 3rd party email services. You’ll lose all your critical new business immediately. No one will be able to contact you and your staff.

Your Privacy and Confidential Business Emails are a critical effort to stay in business. Good Luck my friends.

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